Friday, April 15, 2011

A positive mind-set comes when we allow God to subtract despair and add hope. If we can allow God to let us hope we have something to look toward. When we live without hope we are empty and lost. We seem to ust wander around in circles and go nowhere. When we add hope things become brighter and we look at things and see light rather than darkness. We need to always put our trust in God and His wisdom and allow Him to be our hope and inspiration.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

This is just a way of being able to tell victims out there that there is a live after abuse and rape. We can with help pick up the pieces of our lives and become survivors. It is not an easy road to follow but we can do it. It take perserverence and determination to be able to face what happened and go on.

When we are able to face what happened and put it behind us we have the beginning of a whole new life. We can learn to like ourselves and gain back the self repect that was taken form us. We no onger need to live in fear. We can begin to smile and be grateful and hopefully help others.